Basse Normandie / Normandy

Discover here all that relates to Normandy in our site. 

Tourism, History, Monuments, gastronomy... In Manche, Calvados, Eure, Orne or Seine Maritime. Discover also Caen, Rouen, Cherbourg, Bayeux, Alençon...

Monsieur de France gives you, each time, the name of the historical region, and the name of the administrative region.

cover photo: Tim Rebkavets on Unsplash

French history Basse Normandie / Normandy

Who was William the Conqueror?

Jérôme de France

Jérôme de France

Only two of them succeeded in conquering England. William of Normandy is the most famous. Born a bastard, threatened by the Norman lords to the point of having to flee in the night, no one imagined such a glorious destiny for this boy born in Falaise in the heart of Normandy and who succeeded in conquering England. He is the ancestor of King Charles III of Great Britain...