French cooking Basse Normandie / Normandy

What is the teurgoule ? A delicacy straight from Normandy...

Rice pudding is appreciated all over the world. It is made in China as well as in the Americas... But ! If there is a recipe of rice pudding which exceeds all the recipes of the planet in term of flavours it is the "teurgoule". It is a Norman speciality which sublimates this dish, banal at the bottom, that is the rice pudding. Here is its history and the recipe...


So good that it "bends the face".


If we believe our different culinary books, the teurgoule, a very old Norman recipe, is so good that it "twists the ghoul" of pleasure, in other words, we make faces of joy by eating it (in Normandy, the "ghoul" is the face). Others say that it "twists the ghoul" because it is necessary to eat it very hot and that one burns the tongue a little... The main thing is that everyone says it is delicious. Nothing is more common than milk in Normandy. There is a real river of milk flowing there as the grass is so fat and makes the joy of the famous Norman cows with their pretty brown spotted dress. And this milk, whole milk ! Not light!

La canelle et le riz sont arrivés de loin dans les ports normands du XIXe siècle. Ici, Le port de Dieppe en Normandie (Seine-Maritine) peint vers 1826 par William Turner (1775-1851) Cinnamon and rice came from afar to the ports of Normandy in the 19th century. Here, The port of Dieppe in Normandy (Seine-Maritine) painted around 1826 by William Turner (1775-1851)

The Normans had the idea of mixing their famous milk with things that were very original for the Normans of the 19th century and that arrived in the numerous ports of the region, notably Le Havre, Dieppe... Rice, cinnamon and vanilla came by boat at the end of the 18th century from far away places. It is perhaps one of the greatest culinary talents of France to be curious about new flavors and to assemble them together to make culinary marvels like teurgoule and many other dishes. 

fancy other french sweet flavors ? for other recipes click here


How to make a good teurgoule ? Our recipe :

For 6 people 

The ingredients 


  • 140 g of round rice (you can take classic rice, but round rice is more crunchy) rather than arborio rice. 
  • 1 vanilla pod 
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon 
  • 1 liter of whole milk, especially not semi-skimmed
  • 90 g of brown sugar (you can replace it with caster sugar, but you'll have to do...) 
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • 25 grams of semi-salted butter

la Teurgoule : un bon plat à déguster encore chaud ou tiède / Photo par beats1/ShutterstockThe Teurgoule: a good dish to be eaten while still warm / Photo by beats1/Shutterstock


The process :


  1. Start by preheating your oven to 150°C (roughly Thermostat 5). 
  2. Take a pan and fill it with cold water 
  3. Put the rice in it and bring to a boil for about 2 minutes (3 if you like soft rice).
  4. Put the rice in a colander, rinse it, and drain it. 
  5. Take your vanilla bean and split it in half (lengthwise).
  6. With the tip of a knife, scrape out the seeds that are inside
  7. Take a saucepan (but a cast iron pot is better)
  8. Boil the milk and put in the vanilla seeds and the split pod. 
  9. When the milk has boiled, take it off the heat, remove the vanilla pod
  10. Then add the rice cinnamon, sugar, and brown sugar. 
  11. Mix 
  12. Put it in an oven dish, the best is an earthenware dish. 
  13. Take 20 or 30 grams of butter (semi-salted is better) that you cut into small cubes that you put evenly on top of the dish
  14. Bake for 2 hours at 150°C, then 1 hour at 120°C


Tips : 

Remember to regularly break the crust that forms on top of the dish. 
You can add some candied citrus peels, it's not bad and it gives some taste. But plain is so good! 

Sorry for the translation errors, our translator stayed a long time in Normandy to check that the recipe was good and he tasted a lot the famous cider of Normandy. He is still a little ... Drunk!

History, heritage, gastronomy : discover our norman selection

Jérôme de France

Jérôme de France

Jérôme is “Monsieur de France”, the author of this site. 
An author, he has written numerous columns and features for various media on heritage, tourism and gastronomy. Passionate about history and beautiful sites, he shares with you his tips for traveling in France and preparing your stay by knowing what you'll be able to see. A gourmet, he gives you recipes for France's great and small culinary specialties. Discover also a part of French culture. 

Jérôme de France

Jérôme de France

Jérôme is “Monsieur de France”, the author of this site. 
An author, he has written numerous columns and features for various media on heritage, tourism and gastronomy. Passionate about history and beautiful sites, he shares with you his tips for traveling in France and preparing your stay by knowing what you'll be able to see. A gourmet, he gives you recipes for France's great and small culinary specialties. Discover also a part of French culture.