Symbols, traditions, history... Let's discover

Symbols, originalities, habits and traditions: we discover here French specificities.

We also take the opportunity to discover what French men and women have created, invented, or written. 


So French
So French France

Bistro, café, restaurant... What is the difference ?

So French
So French France

French-kiss is french or not ?

So French
So French France

The kiss: less frequent but still so French

So French
So French France

what is the French flag meaning ?

So French
So French France

Who is Marianne the symbol of the French Republic ?

So French
So French France

A French dinner "à la Française" is an art!

So French
So French France

What is the "French gastronomic meal"?

So French
So French France

Where does the baguette come from ?

So French
So French Paris and Ile de France

In what year was the Eiffel Tower built?